Archive for January, 2011

Rorschach Test


Part of my university studies involved art history and anthropology classes (well, anthropology in the sense of sociology and cultural society). As such, the infamous Rorschach came into play in regards to how the mind sees imagery and colours (or what we see or visualize the representation). I recently came across American design Matt W. […]

Time machine


I’m very much a tech oriented individual. As such, I rely on my iPhone and pop up reminders for daily tasks that may come about in a given day (with school, work and occasional freelance project, pop up reminders can be a godsend).  I do on occasion refer to my online calendar. However, I came […]

Ah welcome 2011! My blog is lately neglected; I post maybe once a week. Though I don’t believe in New Year’s resolution (only because I believe they will be broken in a few weeks), I will dedicate a new blog posting at least 2-3 times a week. I may not have the time to write […]